Patient Forms

For your convenience, you may download our new patient forms and notices and fill them out to bring with you to your first visit. If you choose not to fill out the forms before your appointment, please arrive 15 minutes early to complete the forms in our office. Have additional questions? Please don’t hesitate to call START at 210-593-5700.
Your Information. Your Rights. Our Responsibilities.

Privacy Practices Summary

Your Rights

You have the right to:

  • Get a copy of your paper or electronic medical record
  • Correct your paper or electronic medical record
  • Request confidential communication
  • Ask us to limit the information we share
  • Get a list of those with whom we’ve shared your information
  • Get a copy of the privacy notice
  • Choose someone to act for you
  • File a complaint if you believe your privacy rights have been violated

Your Choices

You have some choices in the way that we use and share information as we:

  • Tell family and friends about your condition
  • Provide disaster relief
  • Market our services and sell your information
  • Raise funds

Our Uses and Disclosures

We may use and share your information as we:

  • Treat you
  • Run our organization
  • Bill for your services
  • Help with public health and safety issues
  • Do research
  • Comply with the law
  • Respond to organ and tissue donation requests
  • Work with a medical examiner or funeral director
  • Address workers’ compensation, law enforcement, and other government requests
  • Respond to lawsuits and legal actions

See out full privacy policy here:
Privacy Policy
HIPAA Policy

Questions, comments, concerns: Phone: 210 593-5882
